
Sponsor the 29th Cook–Off!

The DKCC is a premier, citywide event for the Dallas Community that brings together over 4,000 people, young and old, from all religious backgrounds, for an afternoon of chili, food, fun, and rides for the kids.

Since 1994, the Dallas Kosher Chili Cook-Off has contributed to more than 59 non-profit agencies. This year we selected Magen David Adom to be our recipient.

As in previous years, Tiferet Israel and its neighbor, Royal Lane Baptist Church, invite Chili Cook–Off attendees to participate in a Food Drive supporting the North Texas Food Bank at Jewish Family Service.

The generosity of our sponsors helps us make this an outstanding community–wide event, keep the entry prices reasonable, and give back more to the community.

There are many ways you can be a sponsor and contribute to this important community event.